Submit an Event Event Title: (required) Event Description: (required) Event Image (Add an image that is at least 1000px in width here) Images that are not png, jpg, or gif will not be uploaded. Images may not exceed 1 MB in size. Event Image Choose File Upload File Event Time & Date You have changed the recurrence rules of this event. Saving the event will update all future events. If you did not mean to change all events, then please refresh the page. Start/End: Event Start Date YYYY-MM-DD Event Start Time HH:MM to Event End Time HH:MM Event End Date YYYY-MM-DD All Day Event Are you sure you want to delete these events? Are you sure you want to delete this exclusion? Event Series: Schedule multiple events Add more events Event will not occur: Add Exclusion Recurrence Description: Recurrence Description Use this field if you want to override the auto-generated descriptions of event recurrence Venue Details (Scroll down for the Venue or create it if it's not listed) Use Saved Venue: Organizer Details Use Saved Organizer: Delete this Add another organizer Event Website (Enter the URL where one can buy a ticket. Do not enter the event/company website) URL: Submitter Email (Please enter the email address of the submitter of the event so that we can contact them if we have any questions) Email Address: (required) Event Cost Currency Symbol: Before cost After cost Cost: Enter "FREE" for events that are free; otherwise please put the lowest cost. Fake Title